Are you expecting good things? Big things? Bad things? What are you bringing to God? In this series, we talk about the importance our expectations play in our lives and how God is a God who constantly exceeds those expectations.
Malachi deals with a half-hearted people thinking they can give God their leftovers. Yet because God believes in His people, He is asking them to truly believe in Him with their actions. All of this is part of the preparation for the coming of the Messiah the 1st time, but is also relevant for all those awaiting His Second Coming.
Malachi describes habits that can make God tire of his people; especially spiritual leaders. Whether it’s in the area of honoring God, His Word, and your spouse. God does not play games with us nor does He want us playing games with Him.
God's grace is available to clean up areas in our lives that have been cluttered up by sin. When God reprimanded the Levites and the priests in Israel, He also made a way for them to be able to live up to His expectation. We can be holy, righteous, and clean by allowing the holiness of God into our lives.