Fractured Faith

Sometimes things do not make sense, but what do we do about it when they don't? Sometimes we can lose our faith, our family, our friends, and don't know where, or what, to turn to. In this series, we talk about all of it. Join as we learn what to do when our faith is fractured.

Playing Love

Pastor Eric Cappelli

October 1, 2023

In this sermon to kick off our new series, Pastor Eric emphasizes the core Christian values of love, equality, and mercy. We are urged to avoid favoritism and discrimination, as seen in the ways churches falter, such as prioritizing the rich over the poor. We are called to love, and do so unconditionally.

You Kiss Your Momma With That Mouth?

Pastor Maria Hovsepian

October 8, 2023

In this sermon, Pastor Maria talks about the power of voice – how the tongue, small yet mighty, can both create and destroy, much like a wildfire. Through biblical references and modern anecdotes, the power of words is further explored, showing how they can lead to monumental positive change, like Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech, or spark negativity and destruction. The importance of mindfully using our words is discussed, emphasizing that our speech reflects our character and beliefs, leading to a call for self-awareness and true surrender to ensure the heart and tongue are aligned for good.

Spiritual Triage

Pastor Eric Cappelli

October 15, 2023

In this message, Pastor Eric delves into spiritual growth and Kingdom Living. He talks to us about Jesus' teachings in the Sermon on the Mount and James' exhortation to elevate spiritual standards by submitting to Jesus' care. It is not about what you can do or the things you can get done, but it is about who you are doing it for and submitting to God.


Pastor Noah O'Connor

October 22, 2023

In this sermon, Pastor Noah address the theme of resolving petty disputes, emphasizing the virtues of unity, humility, and putting others' interests first.

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