
In this series we explore the physical, and spiritual, freedom that Christ offers. We will examine "freedom" as defined by man, and freedom as defined by God and how YOU can find that freedom today.


Pastor Eric Cappelli

February 4, 2024

In today's sermon, we're diving into the powerful theme of salvation and freedom, drawing inspiration from the story of the Exodus. We're reminded that real freedom transcends any sense of bondage, as beautifully illustrated in Deuteronomy 7:8. It's a freedom that's not just about being released from physical slavery, but also about overcoming the psychological and spiritual chains that hold us back.


Pastor Eric Cappelli

February 11, 2024

Today, we're getting real about what it means to be delivered by God, diving deep into the story of the Exodus as our guide. It's all about realizing that deliverance isn't something we can dictate on our terms—it's a divine intervention marked by God's mighty hand pulling us out of our personal Egypts. But here's the thing, even when it feels like everything's falling apart, that's often when God's setting the stage for our greatest breakthroughs.


Pastor Eric Cappelli

February 18, 2024

Today, we're unpacking the journey of healing that often gets overlooked in our walk with God. Right after experiencing monumental moments like salvation and deliverance, it's easy to miss the deep healing work God wants to do in our hearts. Just like the Israelites, who quickly moved from freedom to facing the realities of the wilderness, we too can find ourselves struggling with the remnants of our past "Egypts.


Pastor Eric Cappelli

February 25, 2024

In this sermon, we're diving into the story of fulfillment and the incredible journey of faith represented by Caleb's life. Starting with God's promise to Abraham, which was a long game involving patience, faith, and not a little bit of wandering in the wilderness, we see a clear message: God's timing and ways are beyond our understanding, yet perfectly orchestrated for His glory and our good.

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